David 🇵🇱
David Polonia is a Paris-based designer, art director, graphic & type designer.
davidpolonia.com Verena Michelitsch - Verena Michelitsch
Design- and Creative Direction
verenamichelitsch.com Tom Chung Studio
Tom Chung is an independent industrial designer focused on material objects and space.
tomchung.net Anaïs Zamboni - Anais Zamboni's Portfolio
Bienvenue , Welcome,Voir la galerie / See the galleryHorizontal scroll →→→→Ce site et portfolio présente mon travail dans sa globalité autant artistique qu'humain, intuitif, thérapeutique et énergétique.Sur mon arbre il y a différentes branches et vous trouverez les miennes présentées dans ses pages.☆This website and portfolio presents my work as a whole, the artistic parts as well as the human, intuitive, therapeutic and energetic ones .Different branches grow on my tree and you will find mine presented in its pages.Voir la galerie / See the galleryHorizontal scroll →→→→
www.anaiszamboni.com Nix Burox
www.eevirutanen.com COLLIN HUGHES
collin-hughes.com Manuel Dilone
Manuel Dilone [2021]▲ [2018—2020]▼Partnership with visionary founders to launch transformational companies. Design and lead extensive brand systems for , Nike, Converse, Snap Inc., Airbnb, Netflix, Instagram, Tom Ford, Google, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Samsung, Mute Records, Microsoft, Nokia, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Tiffany & Co.
manueldilone.com Studio Ella Gold