Sound Portraits Radio is an extension of the popular Berlin based lecture/listening series, curated by Doron Sadja. It focuses on the work of iconic composers who have paved the way for contemporary electronic music. After an introduction of each artist’s life, we listen to a selection of excerpts and complete...
收聽 Tune-in 24/7 Radio 🌐 每天新節目 New shows every day! Electronic music from Hong Kong, Asia and around the world
Hong Kong Community Radio (簡稱 HKCR)成立於2016年,為植根於灣仔的社區平台及網絡電台,我們由本地不同的創作人、音樂人、藝術家和支持者所組成,以成為一個開放的平台為終旨。Founded in 2016, HKCR (Hong Kong Community Radio) is a community platform and independent radio station base in Wan Chai.