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Search by colorSound Portraits Radio – Cashmere Radio
Sound Portraits Radio is an extension of the popular Berlin based lecture/listening series, curated by Doron Sadja. It focuses on the work of iconic composers who have paved the way for contemporary electronic music. After an introduction of each artist’s life, we listen to a selection of excerpts and complete...
cashmereradio.com Andy J. Scott - Editorial & Commercial Portrait Photographer
Andy J. Scott is a commercial photographer and director in Los Angeles, California. Clients include BMW, Nike, Vice, MADE, T Brand Studio, Billboard Magazine, Architect Magazine, Instagram, Facebook, Süddeutsche Zeitung, PacSun and Carhartt
andyjscott.com Sound Portraits Radio – Cashmere Radio
Sound Portraits Radio is an extension of the popular Berlin based lecture/listening series, curated by Doron Sadja. It focuses on the work of iconic composers who have paved the way for contemporary electronic music. After an introduction of each artist’s life, we listen to a selection of excerpts and complete...